Mary Pickford Trophy 2017
For the fourth time over the past 57 years, the Barrie District Anglers & Hunters Conservation Club has won the Mary Pickford Trophy. In 2016, with the help of the Rotary Club of Barrie, they were able to purchase and plant 10,000 trees throughout the...

OFAH Heritage Junior Award 2017
The OFAH Heritage Junior Award was first presented in 1987 and honors the young person who has made the most outstanding contribution to conservation over the past year. Tynan Storey is a member of the Barrie District Hunters and Anglers ConservationClub....

Tree Planting on BDHACC property 2016
During the month of May 2016, BDAHCC in conjunction with the Huronia Rotary Club, planted 10,000 trees on the BDHACC property. The mixture of these included600 red oak trees, with the balancebeing 75% red pine and 25% white pine. It is the goal, of both...